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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does It Matter

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Im not that tall... well not tall enough to use a plug in my sticks. so when i gte a new one piece and just take the plug out and leave it opened. does that make a difference? someone said it will make my shaft weaker? is that true

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It doesn't matter, and I don't know where you live but for Hockey Canada you either:

a ) Have to have a plug in your stick.

b ) Have the end covered with tape.

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I never thought it mattered. Then I found one of those plastic caps at the rink. I put it in my XN10 which I had always left open. I really did feel a difference, my shots seemed a little crisper. I think it was JR who said something about it creating a vaccum inside the shaft or something.

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If u take the butt end out out of an OPS, what u get is an UNBALANCE stick. This will change the way u shoot and sometimes "passing" and "handling".

Read it on a magazine(They use the XN10 and Stealth as an example)

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what do the magazines say about the vapor and vector which dont even come with one. I never use a buttend, and all of my sticks feel pretty damn balanced.

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On the Vapors, a small plastic plug comes on the end, Cavs.

That's his point, that the Vectors and XX don't come with wooden butt ends which are heavier than the continuation of the shaft.

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thanks easy, ive had sticks where ive thrown a cm plug in just to add a little length and felt absolutely no difference in comparison, except for the obvious length increase.

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