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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector 6.0 inline skates - looking for something similar in ice skates

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I need new ice skates and haven't purchased new ones in a long time. Not worried about getting the best and also hoping to avoid having to do a ridiculous amount of research to get versed. I am 5'8" / 155 lbs and only play beer league once a week, so I don't think I need anything too stiff.

The last new skates I bought are my Vector 6.0 inlines. I've done a little googling to see if they have anything like that still on the market since I like the way that boot felt. Does anyone know what current CCM ice skate would be comparable to that fit and style?

Thanks in advance.

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I had vector 6s for ice a while ago, and V8s for roller (the ones with the weird metallic blue finish), and the original Vector 10s for roller (white chassis, grey boot). I let someone talk me into Rbk 8ks, and the generally fit ok, except not enough volume. I'm in CCM u+12s right now and feel like they fit perfectly all over, but those might be hard to find by now. I haven't tried on any skates since buying these a few years ago, but it's getting to be that time soon...

The answer you're going to end up with is to go to a shop and try on a bunch of stuff. Don't limit yourself to just CCM, every companie's lines have changed enough (subtly and not so subtly) over that time that it's worth taking the time to see what works with your foot.

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