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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XV blades

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I received a couple of Vapor XV blades from epuck yesterday (PM9 and P88). The blades were quite a bit heavier than I expected (165 and 155 respectively), and the hosel and tenon dimensions were not consistent from one blade to the next. Although it says made in Mexico right on the blade, they looked very similar to the Innovative blades that I've had (same weave pattern, finish and tenon weave/wrap). Maybe someone can confirm that these are Innovative made blades.

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My tapered Innovative Federov blade weighed 135 grams on a digital postal scale. They might be made by inno, but not the same way inno makes their blades.

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I received a couple of Vapor XV blades from epuck yesterday (PM9 and P88). The blades were quite a bit heavier than I expected (165 and 155 respectively), and the hosel and tenon dimensions were not consistent from one blade to the next. Although it says made in Mexico right on the blade, they looked very similar to the Innovative blades that I've had (same weave pattern, finish and tenon weave/wrap). Maybe someone can confirm that these are Innovative made blades.

Yes sir, they are indeed inno made, along with ALL of Bauers sticks.

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