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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Something wrong with my re-akt?

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Bought a new reakt the other day cuz I love the one I've had since 2012 when they first came out. Anyway, have worn it 3 times. I've had to tighten it up while wearing it. Started messing with it and noticed that even with the latch locked down I can pull the two pieces apart some. Not a ton but I don't have to pull that hard to make it happen. This is not the case with my old one.

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That shouldn't happen, check the shape of the 4 prongs that slide into the slots for the adjustment flap. If anything that could be a warranty issue.

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The 4 prongs are straight and then curve a little at the end like my old one. I mean i can pull the two sides apart a little with the adjustment flap closed. Maybe a quarter inch. Not too much but My old one I can't at all.

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Easy fix. Lift up the yellow poron padding on each side, there are 2 small screws on each side that come lose, tighten those up and you are good to go. Just dont over tighen them or the helemt will not move when you adjust it with the latch on the back.

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Easy fix. Lift up the yellow poron padding on each side, there are 2 small screws on each side that come lose, tighten those up and you are good to go. Just dont over tighen them or the helemt will not move when you adjust it with the latch on the back.

Interesting, let us know if this works OP!

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