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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Profiling Question

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So I just got my blades profiled with a combination radius, and matched them up to each other. However, they do not match each other at all. First, if I align the blades by the mounting holes, they are are not "matched" to each other. I did ask for the blades to be matched, though maybe I'm mistaking it for something else.

The second way I tried to see if the radius matched was by aligning the blades on the sharpened side, as opposed to use the mounting side. Still, I can't seem to get them to match each other no matter how I move the blades.There is always one part that is different between them.

Hopefully this makes sense.... but is this "normal", and am I an idiot by trying to check the blades this way before I put them in the holders? I truly have no idea about checking profiles and radius, so maybe this is fine.

EDIT: Here are some pictures.




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Those do look off. Sometimes the shape of the blades are off before the radius. Yes, even new blades. They still will be off after the radius even if the radius is accurately put on the bottom of the blades. They can be matched up though. it also looks like maybe one blade was radiused and the other not. I do that occasionally when I get interrupted and forgot I didn't do the second one.

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I was super busy last week with every kid within 50miles coming to get their skates done for HS tryouts. Sometimes I have to interrupt a radius and take a blade off the holder to do a walk in customer. Then get sidetracked when super busy and not thinking place the blades (toe in) down on the counter. To the front people, this means they are done (toe out means not done) and they quickly grab them and pack them. When I finally slow down and catch up an hr or 2 later, the blades are gone and I've totally forgot about them. I suspect this is what happened. As much as we try to be perfect, sometimes this happens. Good thing is we can fix it, unlike Drs who cut off the wrong limbs. :-(

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