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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adjusting Guspro SH 2000 & 3000 Skate Holders

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I've got my hands on these two lever style sharpening jigs, the SH 2000 and 3000. They are quite old and have not been maintained to my knowledge. As a result both holders are way off. Does anybody know if I can recalibrate/adjust these somehow, and if so, how would I go about doing so? Buying a new jig is not in the budget right now so I will have to make due with these.




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Can you please elaborate a little more about how they are off? Just wondering if you are unable to adjust the levers high/low enough to get even edges. Since most/all sharpeners have a universal stone height, I am curious why the previous owner would have adjusted to a different height.

Maybe someone disassembled to clean and didn't assemble correctly? Just thinking out loud as to how they could be so off.

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For example I will sharpen a brand new left skate, toe facing left. After a couple passes on the cross grinder I begin sharpening with a fresh dressing on the wheel. Despite the lever on the left side being cranked all the way up, the outside edge is still taller than the inside edge.

I also sharpened on other machines with the newer style jigs with the dials and have no issues getting a level finish as measured on my BR100 gauge. The machine I'm using right now is about 15 years old and I imagine the jig is of similar age.

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You will find two bolts to turn under the adjustment levers.

-Go ahead and turn the adjustment levers out coutner clockwise a few screws, center them (aka sticking out at a 90 degree angle), then re-tighten the levers

-Throw a skate on, cross grind the skate.

-Then, start with witness marks on your traditional head

-keep using a wrench to turn the bolts under the adjustment knobs, until your witness marks are in the center of the blade

-Once your marks are in the center of the blade, go ahead and tighten those bolts.

-Enjoy a fine beer or glass of wine and marvel at your handiwork.

(disclaimer: This is how I always did it before my newest jig).


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I think once you see what the bolts I am talking about (they are pretty hard to miss), you will realize the jig's are leveled in a rather primitive fashion. Just two bolts on each side of the piece that the skate sits on.

Also, might be worth noting, take a long stare at some of the other bolts, make sure that no other bolt needs to be loosed before adjusting the level. You'll get a very good idea of that if you cant turn the bolt head at all.


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Thanks again for your help Zach. I was able to balance out the levers on both sides. I had to loosen the two black screws facing me with a hex key and then I adjusted the nuts below the levers. After some trial and error the jig is now properly aligned.

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