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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Closest Warrior Curve to Bauer Kane?

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I was in Total Hockey today and happened to compare the curves, well prior to seeing this post. The Warrior W88 is not a clone of the P88 regardless of what anyone says. It is a deeper curve and appears to be slightly less open, particularly around the toe area but still open nonetheless. Very similar yes but not identical. I didn't try to compare the lie, just the curve. From a curve perspective, I thought the CCM P40 was actually closer to the P88. And if you wonder why I was checking this out, it's what a hockey Dad does when he's waiting for skates to get sharpened.........

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I was in Total Hockey today and happened to compare the curves, well prior to seeing this post. The Warrior W88 is not a clone of the P88 regardless of what anyone says. It is a deeper curve and appears to be slightly less open, particularly around the toe area but still open nonetheless. Very similar yes but not identical. I didn't try to compare the lie, just the curve. From a curve perspective, I thought the CCM P40 was actually closer to the P88. And if you wonder why I was checking this out, it's what a hockey Dad does when he's waiting for skates to get sharpened.........

I didnt think so either but i assure you i have a bauer nexus 1000 Kane and a warrior covert dt1 lt zetterberg. they are completely identical. You can hold them next to each other and you cant tell the difference.

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