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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inner Ankle Skate Fit

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I've been in a pair of Nexus 400's for about 2 years. Before that I was in a pair of Mission Fuel AG's for about 2-3 years. I play adult rec and coach youth hockey, so I'm on the ice for about 2 games / 2 practices a week between Oct - March. I don't play much in the summer. I've not opted for higher end / stiffer boots considering my ice time, and so I've kept my investments in skates modest. While both skates seemed to have good volume for me and good fit (11 wide in both boots), I'm having 1 particular fit issue.

On the inner ankle of my right leg, my ankle bone is rubbing up closer to the eyelets then the left leg. Therefore, as I wear the skates more and more, I'm basically compressing whatever foam is there and basically flattening that area down to about nothing. On the old mission skates, I actually wore through the inner liner and was up against the raw material of the skate boot. On the Nexus 400's I'm still hitting foam, but there's just about nothing there, and I assume at some point, i'll wear through the superficial layer that's left. Again, it's only on the right foot, and likely just an oddity in my own leg/ankle/foot structure on that side. Besides using a pad, etc to keep that area protected, and since I may be considering a new skate over the summer.....Any ideas?

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You could have the area punched out or try some bunga pads. Bungs pads are cheap and can be found at your local pharmacy. Punching alters the boot and is a bit more of a permanent fix, any decent skate shop can take care of it.

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I've been in a pair of Nexus 400's for about 2 years. Before that I was in a pair of Mission Fuel AG's for about 2-3 years. I play adult rec and coach youth hockey, so I'm on the ice for about 2 games / 2 practices a week between Oct - March. I don't play much in the summer. I've not opted for higher end / stiffer boots considering my ice time, and so I've kept my investments in skates modest. While both skates seemed to have good volume for me and good fit (11 wide in both boots), I'm having 1 particular fit issue.

On the inner ankle of my right leg, my ankle bone is rubbing up closer to the eyelets then the left leg. Therefore, as I wear the skates more and more, I'm basically compressing whatever foam is there and basically flattening that area down to about nothing. On the old mission skates, I actually wore through the inner liner and was up against the raw material of the skate boot. On the Nexus 400's I'm still hitting foam, but there's just about nothing there, and I assume at some point, i'll wear through the superficial layer that's left. Again, it's only on the right foot, and likely just an oddity in my own leg/ankle/foot structure on that side. Besides using a pad, etc to keep that area protected, and since I may be considering a new skate over the summer.....Any ideas?

I have the same problem, my ankle bone seems to be a lot further forward than what the manufacturer has designed for. Also you may consider your foot alignment, if you pronate slightly this causes your foot to roll inwards and therefore the inner ankle bone pushes hard against the skate.

I've found there is no one answer, you generally have to work through various options to get something to work for you but here is how I deal with it using a 3 part process:

1: punched the skate out using my own gear, you can find the thread here:


It is quite simple to do and cheap. Use lipstick on your ankle bone to get the center point of the punch correct.

2: purchased gel pads from inline warehouse,


I presume HM and others have them also. These have a slight adhesion backing on them so they stick to your ankle bone. I cover them with a 2mm ezyfit bootie to help hold the pad in place and give a little more protection. I have used these for the last 4 years and the same pair is still going strong.

3: Went to Graf skates and realigned the holder (easy to do yourself) to deal with the pronation which reduced the pressure on the inner ankle bone. Here is an article that covers pronation and is well worth a read. http://www.ladyinredcreations.com/Ankles_Down.htm

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Quick Update -

I didn't go to the extent of the clamps and process Vet88 shared, but I did succeed with another simple approach using other tools I had on hand. I used a standard vice grip, with a small barrel bolt to create the 'punch'. On the outside of the boot, I used a metal kitchen measuring spoon. I clamped down as much pressure as I could, left for about 12-16 hours. I could see a obvious depression inside the boot where my ankle bone was hitting (due to pronating), and it was just deep enough to alleviate a constant rub / hot spot. I played a game that night, and the skate felt incredible. I didn't realize how much I had adjusted to accepting discomfort in that area. To skate 90 minutes without it was great.

I'm not sure if I've successfully 'punched' the area to lasting change. But if I need to repeat that process the night before a game, no problem.

Thanks again.

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