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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another vote for the MSH sell thread and eBay.

I've had success converting old pants to uppers, too. It only took a seam ripper and some rivet buttons from Michaels. Even though it wasn't a true 2pc model, there was a definite seam where Tackla had stitched the upper and lower together, so I didn't have to cut anything.

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ok thanks guys I have been checking ebay no luck and I have looked on here I also posted a wanted ad in the buy section of the forum , the pants I have are a true two piece , they are pro stock either oilers or islanders pants I cant tell same colors , I have my reebok uppers on them now but id like to get a pair so I can sell the reeboks as a complete pants instead of just trying to sell the lowers , but thanks again ill keep an eye out

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DSC_0316_zpsb15b5838.jpgDSC_0317_zps5108e97e.jpgDSC_0318_zps14ef0907.jpgthis is what I ended up doing , still looking for pro stock uppers or the best uppers that offer the best protection the reeboks are from a pair of pro stock pants I got from hockey monkey , I added stomach padding and padding on the inside in the jock area they had padding there but I wanted to beef it up a bit

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