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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Alteration/Customization Questions

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Hey all. I bought a Bauer TotalOne NXG girdle/shell combo and want to make a few changes as I don't feel there's enough protection for the tail bone or the pelvic/lower ab region. I have zero experience with this so I'm wondering if anyone could offer some guidance. I have Reebok 12K shoulder pads that I just replaced so I was thinking of using the spine guard for extra tailbone padding and a bicep guard for the lower abs. I test fit the bicep guard and it will work; haven't cut the spine guard out yet.

I was planning on sewing them in but have never worked with pads before so I don't know if there are some details I need before I try this. I think I saw somewhere that I should use nylon thread, is that right? Anyone have any tips for sewing through the plastic inserts? It feels like on both pieces I want to use the plastic goes all the way to the edge of the pad. Thanks for any help with this.

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For the tailbone, you could encase the plastic in a light nylon sock, and then sew the top of the sock to the waistband. Then you would have some mobility. You could sew the other end to lock it down if that is preferable.

Lower abs: same concept, and you could sew it on top of one flap on the Velcro front closure.

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For the tailbone protection, you could cut the padding to fit in the existing tailbone area, just cut a slit at the top, slide the new padding in and re-sew. If the piece you want to put on is much larger (sounds like it is), you could get a small diameter drill bit and make small holes along the edge you want to sew. From there I would use a Sewing awl (speedy stitcher etc) with waxed nylon thread. The lock stitch will keep the new pad on there likely much better than free hand sewing. You may also want to sandwich a piece of heavy nylon or leather across the front/back of where you will be working to prevent tearing the stitches out through the thinner nylon mesh "shell" of the girdle

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before I got my pro stock pants I had the same problem I used to wear shock dr padded compression pants they also have the Velcro tabs for socks worked perfect infact I still wear them under my current pants helps a ton and you wont have to modify your girdle

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For the tailbone protection, you could cut the padding to fit in the existing tailbone area, just cut a slit at the top, slide the new padding in and re-sew. If the piece you want to put on is much larger (sounds like it is), you could get a small diameter drill bit and make small holes along the edge you want to sew. From there I would use a Sewing awl (speedy stitcher etc) with waxed nylon thread. The lock stitch will keep the new pad on there likely much better than free hand sewing. You may also want to sandwich a piece of heavy nylon or leather across the front/back of where you will be working to prevent tearing the stitches out through the thinner nylon mesh "shell" of the girdle

Using the existing area won't work with the girdle as it's sectioned into small pieces and it doesn't go down low enough. Thanks so much for the tips on using some backing to help keep the stitching in place and on how to get through the plastics.

For the tailbone, you could encase the plastic in a light nylon sock, and then sew the top of the sock to the waistband. Then you would have some mobility. You could sew the other end to lock it down if that is preferable.

Lower abs: same concept, and you could sew it on top of one flap on the Velcro front closure.

Awesome idea on the nylon sock attached to the waist band. For the lower abs I was thinking the exact placement you described.

before I got my pro stock pants I had the same problem I used to wear shock dr padded compression pants they also have the Velcro tabs for socks worked perfect infact I still wear them under my current pants helps a ton and you wont have to modify your girdle

I looked at padded jocks and didn't see any with the protection for the lower abdomen I'm looking for so I would have to customize anyway. Additionally, I really like the jock I have now and don't want to replace it.

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