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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Dynasty Ax1 gloves

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I've been using Bauer 4-rolls and then Nexus 1000s for a while and it's time for new gloves. Even though I loved my Bauer's I want to try something else. I've been looking at the Warrior Dynasty Ax1's. Any insight on the comparison? Who uses the Ax1s and how do you like them?

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....cominh from 11k's i can tell u that the dynasty ax1 is one of the few gloves that require little break-in.....just 2 1,5 hour sessions were enough to get them comfortable....they play a little bit warmer than the 11 k's so using them in the winter or outdoor rink is a plus ..durability I cannot yet tell much ....but usually after a few weeks i can tell if the palm is going to last or not

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I've been using Bauer 4-rolls and then Nexus 1000s for a while and it's time for new gloves. Even though I loved my Bauer's I want to try something else. I've been looking at the Warrior Dynasty Ax1's. Any insight on the comparison? Who uses the Ax1s and how do you like them?

They are such well made gloves. I had ordered a pair and as soon as I tried them on I ordered a couple of more. They have such an amazing quality to them too. You would not be disappointed, one of the best gloves on the market for sure.

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