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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing runner

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Hi. I was wondering when replacing a runner on an light speed 2 holder, how tight do I turn the nut? I was told not tight at all. Then one of the hockey shop guys said it was too lose and he cranked it. Turn until you can't turn anymore?

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I've left it semi-loose before, but within one skate, it became too loose. Now, I turn the wrench until the socket won't release from the nut, then I back off a bit and wiggle the socket out (it should feel like you a need to put a little oomph before you hit that point).

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Pretty accurate to what mc88 said. Don't reef on it, it doesn't need to be torqued. You don't want to crack or crush the plastic of the holder (that's what the nut hits).

Hand tight is fine. Don't "white-knuckle" it.

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