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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBZ 130 vs Ribcor 30K Flex Rating

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Can anyone comment on the flex ratings between these sticks? Would the RBZ feel a tad whippier because it is considered variable flex?

Any other thoughts would be appreciated (durability, performance opinions...) as I will be picking up one of these.


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I think I saw in a video/read/heard that the RBZ sticks are actually stiffer in comparison to the other lines or at least they feel stiffer. Maybe someone else can elaborate?

I've been wondering on this with the RBZ150 myself. I usually use 95-100 flex (V9E and Tacks) but have been considering going down to 85.. So still deciding when going RBZ vs Ribcor which would suit me better.

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Both RBZ and Ribcor lines play stiffer than comparable sticks from other companies. The RBZ will "feel" slightly flexier than the Ribcor.

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