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Graf 9035 Pitch

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This is my first post. I've read other articles about pitch issues. Change the rocker, replace the holder ETC

Just switched to Graf 9035 from Bauer Supreme.

Love both skates but the flexibility and out of the box feel of the Grafs is unreal.

I'm having a hard time adjusting to the forward pitch. I'm 6' 220 and have played for 20+ years. I've always skated on Bauer.

I'm adjusting to the differences. I've only skated on the grafs for 3 games.

So if I just can't get comfortable with the pitch and Im not keen on the idea of changing the rocker of the steel because of sharpening consistencies my only other option would to change the holder, correct?

A buddy of mine recommended away from that because he said it's extremely difficult to get another brands a holder to match up perfectly and that could screw a lot of things up.

Opinions and suggestions are welcome.


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You could also do a toe lift.

From my personal experience switching from Bauer to Graf, it took a lot longer to get used to the pitch difference than just a few skates. It's understandable that if you're mostly skating in games, that's more frustrating because you can't stop and think about it and really focus on that feel.

At least, if you did do it with a toe lift, you could pop it back out if you ever chose to later. I'm just saying, I didn't give up on the holder because I had no clue it made any difference, but I'm glad I didn't know because once I got used to it, my skating went from comfy to far more powerful and efficient than I knew I was capable of.

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I switched out the stock steel for step steel and that helped enough for me to a adjust to the new pitch.... it still took a about 10 games though. the step is a 10' profile with neutral pitch. the cobra steel is 11' at what I believe is a slight forward pitch (+1?).

you may want to try that before the toe lift and you get the benefit of much better steel too.

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Awesome suggestions.

I immediately notices the differences and I actually think my most recent on ice session might have been the break through. These are all thoughts to keep in the back of my mind.

I didn't not know that the steel it's self was profiled

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I was reading thru the message boards in here and I remember reading that the stock graf steel was slightly forward and, at least to me, I would agree. Changing to step steel did bring the pitch back more to the middle of the boot. I actually noticed the change in radius more... it felt more natural since I was used to the 10' profile. The biggest adjustment was transitioning forward to backwards. I would lean a little too far back and catch an edge.

Honestly, just trying sticking with it for a couple more games and then try swapping the steel if you still can't adjust. I only changed the steel because I got a great deal on the step. otherwise I would have stuck with the stock.

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