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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help Identifying Curve

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Hey Guys,

I was wondering if anyone on here would be able to help me identify to be a Sakic clone with a taller heel. Not a frequent poster here so my apologies if this is common knowledge or has been brought up before. Anyways, a few years back Brandon Sutter skated with my team while he was home for the lockout, and I noticed him using this curve asked him one day about it and he said he liked the taller heel for controlling bouncing pucks and deflections. Lately I have noticed other players using what looks to be the same, or a similar curve with this "tall heel" (Jason Garrison, Brent Burns to a lesser extent, and Ryan Pulock).

I am looking to order this curve for next season (team uses CCM) or something similar, and if anyone could give me insight to what the curve name or # is that would be phenomenal.


Edit - tried posting some pictures of the player using the curve but couldn't figure it out (newb)


jason garrison

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