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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stores in Boston

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I don't know any in boston sorry...

but im heading to montreal tomorrow and was wondering if anyone could recommend some good stores up there as well as help out hockeymon.


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I dont know of any specifically in boston. But, in Marlboro theres a great place called Pure Hockey. Also in Arlington, therea a store called Sports Etc. Both are great places, but pure hockey was the better store IMO.

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although zwickers is kinda out of the way from the city itself, i think its worth the trip if you are in the market for new skates. They usually have a good lot of barely used skates. I found a few pairs of pro return skates last few times I was there. I even picked up a nice pair of Graf 703s prp returns(they were like 8 3/4) with an easton toungue in the boot.

closer to the city, is pure hockey in braintree. they normally have a good lot of pro return one pieces that are pretty well priced. sports etc is right outside the city too in arlington.

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