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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme vs vapor protective

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Hey guys

Just looking for some thoughts. I have been wearing apx2 protective since it came out and I just haven't been

Feeling it lately. The elbows I find a bit big and my shoulders move around to much and just don't feel "right"

I've lost a bit of weight lately which may explain it a bit.

At lasts nights game though I just was done with it and I'm going to start checking into some new upper stuff

With the mx3 protective coming at the end of the month I thought I may wait but does anyone have experience with bauers "fit" difference? Does the surpreme line actually fit different then vapor?

I like the sound of close to the body and the new elbows look less bulky and different fit the the apx2.

Any thoughts? Maybe on the nxg protective?

Also thinking about pants aswell as I've never worn the girdle style the top end surpreme is


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I'm currently in the NXG protective and love the snug fit. The elbows are a bit bulky which is why I'm in APX2s except in a smaller size than I usually wear.

They are a comfortable, snug fitting pad with a huge amount of protection.

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Thanks. That's what making me wanna try is the snug fit.

I may try a different elbow that's not so bulky then as I find the apx2 bulky aswell

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The new STX Surgeon 500 pads due out in a little over a month are low profile, snug fitting and very mobile - if you can find them at a local store they're worth considering.

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