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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jock Questions

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I am currently using the Shock Doctor compression jock with the built-in garter belts. I love the garter belts over the Velcro approach, but that being said, I have not used a jock with Velcro for some time. My jock is falling apart and I need a new one. I have been looking around at the more recent compression jocks and some of them look really nice, with the exception being they do not have the incorporated garter. My question is, can anyone recommend and good compression jocks? Has the Velcro hook and loop gotten any better? I was specifically looking at Bauer's 37.5 premium compression jock. Thanks for any help!

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Love the Bauer jocks because the cup is on the inside and hugs tight to the body. No more jocks getting out of place!

Never had any issues with the Velcro on any of mine. Even the socks without Velcro (pro stock reebok) stay up just fine.

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I've been using the Shock Doctor Compression pants for about a month and a half and I don't have any complaints with the velcro. I've never tried the garter system so I can't compare but the velcro holds really well. I've used them up to 3 hours on the ice (2 of which was pickup) without any issue or having to adjust anything.

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I too prefer garter belts. I actually bought an integrated jock and garter and then got some $5 Champion brand compression shorts from Walmart. It was quite a bit cheaper than the compression shorts and jock built-in combo.

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