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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet sizing? Easton Vs CCM

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I know. I know. Try one on. Its personal preference. I don't have the luxury of that. And my CCM 852 has just died. So I need a new helmet. How is the Easton sizing verse the CMM. Thanks in advance. I was specifically looking at the S19

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If there was any helmet released in the last few years that you need to try on before buying, it's the S19. It's a 1 piece helmet with no adjustments, it either fits you as it is or it doesn't. Still an amazing helmet but for every 10 people who would try it on, only 1 could wear it. Try and find an E700 or E600 on clearance if you are after an older Easton helmet, sizing is similar to CCM.

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