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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Closest stick with wood-like blade feel

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I know I may as well as ask for the winning lotto tickets, but not having bought/tried any recent lines of sticks - I hope a few may be able to help out.

I was stickhandling off-ice on my pad with a Reebok Ricor and borrowed a friend's Easton Z Carbon wooden stick to try. I was literally floored at how nice and smooth the stick felt during stickhandling, particularly at cupping the puck and receiving passes. I didn't really notice a significantly notable weight difference when I made the switch at first, and only did until after I had revert back to my Ribcor.

Since high end wooden sticks are near impossible to find, are there any suggestions for current composites which closely resemble the feel of wood? I know True has since released the X-Core which supposedly is close to wood but it doesn't seem easily available to buy in Europe. Possibly Bauer MX3 or CCM Ultra Tacks?

Thanks for reading! Any help is highly appreciated!

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