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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet Shrink?

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Hey guys just a minor problem.

My hockey helmet (Bauer re-akt medium) fits great the first 2 periods, then during the third the sides of my head (back half) start to hurt from the helmet pressure. The occipital adjustment seems to only help the length and not the sides where the pain is. Is my helmet shrinking due to the cold or something?

When I play ball hockey with the same helmet there are no issues at all. My head is kind of triangle shaped (pointy side down) if that helps.

Any suggestions?

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I know the feeling...Usually it signifies that I need a haircut. ALWAYS in the third period...cold helmet, hot head.

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I always have to loosen my helmet halfway through. That is why I like helmets with tool-free adjustments.

I'm not sure if it just feels tighter because the helmet has been pressing on the head for a while, or the head expands from increased blood flow, but I always have the issue.

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Definitely head expanding from heat and blood flow, not the helmet shrinking....

If you adjusted your helmet to accommodate the larger head size at the end of a session and wore a skull cap for the first part of the session, that might give you a fit that doesn't need adjusting mid-point.

You'd just remove the skull cap when you feel things getting too tight.

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