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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Current Stick similar to sb18a

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Hey guys, recently I picked up two Bauer Supreme Team sticks. I've been told they are just one.9s with a different paint job. I love the stick. Hated the NXG. I don't know what it was, but something about it just bothered me.

Problem is, I broke one and I already feel that the other one is on its way out too. I have searched everywhere and can't seem to find the one.9 in RH 77 flex PM9. So I've given up on that front. What is the most similar stick to the one.9 out there today? I've heard the 190 is similar, but I've also heard it's more like the one.8. How does the one.8 compare? What about the mx3? I don't really care about price point, just looking for a stick that is very comparable to the one.9.

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Keep looking for the One.9. Although the 190 is supposed to be comparable in every aspect, Bauer's raising of the kick point from their traditional amplified mid to their current Supreme mid-high means that the 190 won't kick the same way as the One.9.

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Here's a link to an ebay auction for a 2 pack of exactly what you want. I came really close to getting it the other day, but the lack of grip on the one.9 ultimately held me off.


Had just copied and pasted this link. Beat me to it.

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Wow thanks guys, you're the best. I ordered one 2-pack. Might pick up another one. Never thought of checking eBay.

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