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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Intermediate stiff flex?

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A few weeks ago a cousine of mine bougth the remaining stock of a smaller sports store that went out of business. There wasn't much hockey gear left, except for some old stock ops, shafts and some protective, mostly JR stuff.

Allthough most stuff were old stock, there was some goodies left, Like Redlite xn10 shafts, tricore shafts, Tps Adrenaline ops etc.. But only in JR and Int flexes..

My cousine however says a few of the shafts and the adrenaline ops is available in different flexes.

Some labeled Int flex, and Int stiff flex!?!? where the Int stiff flex feels much stiffer compared to the other ones, at least he said they do.

But what is Int stiff flex? Similar to whip flex perhaps?

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Ok thanks, thats what i thought.. But in numbers, what are tps intermediate flex on ops and shafts?

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70-75 for the most part, I want to say they softened it right at the end but I could be thinking of something else.

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It should be around 70 then, since theese are old redlite xn10's and adrenalines.. Thinking of grabing a few redlite shafts,.. Should work out ok since i usually use 75 flex Sr shafts. Even though int shafts might be shorter, but that can be solved by cutting of a inch or two more and adding a plug instead.. Should add some stiffness..

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Yeah, i read that on here, but i cut my sticks/shafts really short, and usually take of around 5 inches on Sr shafts so that on skates, the stick will come up to my collar bone or just below it.. Even though int shafts might be a bit shorter i still need to cut it quite a bit..

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