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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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different cut flex ratings between brands

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At a LHS the other day, and was comparing mid-kick sticks, particularly the Nexus 8000 (77 flex) and the CCM Ultra Tacks (75 flex). Something interesting struck me in regards to the flex line markings. The Nexus was set at about a 7 point flex increase per 2" cut and the Ultra Tacks were set at about a 3 point flex increase per 2" cut. Got me wondering...how is it that the brands' shaft construction allows such a large disparity in flex increase? Both sticks were 60" and both the same lie/similar blade patterns. Is it because of variation in the location of the kick point? Is it due to different tensile strength along the shaft of the stick? Anyone have insight in the construction and physics in regards to this?

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With engineered kickpoints varying how sticks flex, the old method of measuring stick flex by pressing on the middle is really irrelevant anymore. I have argued that measuring the force required to load the stick at the blade would be more applicable. The lower the kickpoint, the less you will stiffen the stick by cutting at the end.

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