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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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P46 / Bergeron Curve - Reebok 20K Stick

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I ordered a new Junior stick for my PW son. Found a 20K on clearance and went for the Bergeron / P46 curve expecting it to be similar to Kane/Lindro with perhaps a slightly more 'closed' toe. The stick arrived today and the curve is much more open than I was expecting. It reminds me more of the Crosby curve. I got a little curious and noticed the stamping label on the shaft looks like it may have been scratched off and relabeled. But, maybe that area always looks that way. I won't state the retailer, as I really just want to know if someone can help me ascertain if this is really the Bergeron / P46.

I'm not able to post the pictures, but I could PM a couple if you're interested in taking a look.


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The P46 is a big mid-toe hook that's slightly open, definitely more open than a Kane. I highly doubt it was relabeled.

FWIW, P40 Hossa/Perron/Hedman is the closest to a P88 Kane in Rbk/CCM.

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That video was exactly what convinced me to get the P46/Bergeron curve - looked like a great fit for my boy. What I have in hand is very different.

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I agree that is not the P46 curve...That is way off...It does not show anything like the Herron or Crosby either (besides a round toe). I would think that is more like the P36 Phaneuf. To me the P46 is really like getting a custom curve. you have a good mid curve with slight toe hook with openness. No one has anything like it currently.

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This was a reputable online retailer, so I will follow up with them to see if they can explain it. I've had good experience with them in the past on other equipment orders, and they've also done right by me.

Thanks for taking a look at the pics and confirming my suspicion that what I rec'd is NOT the P46 / Berg... It's got to be something else.

Any reason to suspect that label was changed if you look closely at the stamping? The P46 almost looks like it was added on top of something else at the factory - not at the retailer.

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So I went home since I gave my thoughts earlier. I have looked at my lefty SR. P46. From the angle you show...I do see some similar angles when I bend and try to match your angle.

Any chance you can take a pic looking straight down at the curve from above.

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