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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Warrior HD1 Shafts

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I asked the question IF Warrior would launch the new HD1 Dynasty shafts some time ago and no one could really confirm. The question really popped up becuase the online catalog (here) is more limited than another Warrior catalog I have seen that showed the new shafts.

I like others prefer the option to find blades and see what works best for me.

I had an awesome Easton Shaft that used Std blades recently bite the dust. As sad as it is...I feel lucky to still have the blade that I had in it to use another day...Now I have Shaft option for that blade...Woo-Hoo!

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(I do not know what DLX 100 Flex means)

FWIW I shot the OPS Dynasty HD1 85 flex at the HM shooting area, and did not notice any increased sweet spot in where my hands were, or anything of the sort. I admittedly do not shoot as is the current "proper" technique though. With OPS CCM Ribcor 40K and Bauer 1X, my shots were golden- hard & accurate (relative to how little load I give it) with a quick release. I know there is a big group of people who prefer the standard option though, so don't let me talk you out of what works for you.

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Yes... I spotted these at the monkey earlier today. I am sure these are similar to the last dynasty model with a new wrapper. But shafts are disappearing and the concern is can u on find the setup you like.

Cosmic...looking at the older dynasty spec...the DLX is a longer shaft (Xtra 3")

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