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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suggestion on new stick to get

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Hey I have some loyalty credits to use on hockey supremacy and not sure what to get for a new stick.

Been using pro stock Reebok Ribcor and APX 2 so haven't played around with retails lately.

Did test out the CCM RBZ Superfast and didn't care for the blade and was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for a low kick or custom kick point stick to get?

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Ive been using the 1x since it came out actually the first broke in the blade so I've used 2 sticks over the last 6 months really love the stick. Durability is good I play 4 times a week and the first stick blade broke down after 3 months got very soft. The second one is still going strong almost 4 months in I play center too so my sticks take a beating on faceoffs.

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Hey bud, it really depends on what kind of player you are. Here are my experiences with sticks:

- GRAF G75: If you want a softer low kickpoint stick with a fast release try this out if you wanna be unique. Also depends how whippy you want your stick to be.. the GRAF sticks are very soft in my opinion.

- BAUER MX3: My personal favourite stick. Not low kickpoint but you can really make the puck rocket off that blade on quick snappers and stuff if you put your weight into it. Unbelievable puck feel, the blade is very lively- makes a loud clack when you receive passes which is also fun.

- CCM Speedburner: Haven't used it but apparently the kickpoint adjusts to where your bottom hand is. Interesting.

Ultimately, I'd say if your used to the APX2 go for the 1X because it won't be a major adjustment for you and it has a low kickpoint intended for super quick release.

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QR1/QRPro and any of the DT1 sticks are good picks if you're looking for something new and low-kick outside of your normal. If you can find a V9e in your pattern and flex, you can get a great deal on that. Also a big fan of the EK15.

As for the Speedburner/any RBZ stick, the "custom kickpoint" is just a straight, non-tapered, non-engineered kickpoint shaft. The shaft is basically the Easton UltraLite you were using in 1998. That's not to say it's bad -- in fact I think it's probably the best type of shaft option available for an all around player -- and I still think the blade tech is great for the right player , but the "custom kickpoint" is the opposite of groundbreaking tech at this point in time.

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