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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate selection for wide foot STILL a problem...

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I started an initial topic on finding a skate on July 12, I have a wide foot and finding a skate that fits (and does not cause foot pain) has been a challenge.

Based on that I had bought the Alkali Comp+ skate from Inline Warehouse. Even after molding, they were just too tight - even though I LOVED how they felt while skating. I returned that pair, and the folks at IW suggested I try the CCM RBZ 90. It's supposed to be a traditional wide up front skate. I just got them today.

The right foot still feels too tight. Worse though, the skates just don't feel up to par with the Alkalis - at all. My heel is not locked in right, and I feel like I do not have as much control. I'm not sure how much of this heat molding will fix. And heat molding did not make the Comps any wider, I have doubts it would work with these.

I have wasted *three weeks* or more just trying to get a pair that fits, and looks like it may be longer. Effin' summer will be over before I can skate.

SO - suggestions (if these end up not working, and I am NOT hopeful) on what I can try next? It seems there are very few choices of skates that make actual wide (E or EE) versions - and even fewer of those that are in stock.

All I want to do is skate, this is really really frustrating.

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(LHS - Local Hockey Shop)

Couple of options:

- Have the skates stretched or punched out by a LHS... or do it yourself with a heat gun/blow dryer and a blunt object

- Convert retail or pro stock ice skates to a roller chassis

- Go custom (Bauer, CCM, VH, etc.) and have whomever leave the outsole undrilled. Then have a LHS drill and mount a chassis.

Not sure how the Alkali fit, but typically you'll see 3 choices of fit among Bauer and CCM:

- Narrow heel, standard forefoot (slightly narrower), low volume

- Standard heel, standard forefoot, medium volume

- Wide heel, wide forefoot, deep volume

Go to a LHS and try on a bunch of skates. See which one fits the best out of the box. Judging by the above, you don't have a wide heel, so you may want to stick to a (Supreme/Jetspeed or Vapor/Ribcor)

For reference, I wear a 4E (EEEE) Nike shoe (extra wide forefoot!), but I have a slightly narrow heel. So, I've went with Vapors in an EE, then punched out the forefoot area to accommodate the wide forefoot. Didn't need to go custom as I was able to stretch out the skate enough that I didn't get any pinching.

From my experience, I found this to be true:

- Vapor: D-width (narrow) with a narrow heel, EE-width (slightly wider than standard) with a slightly wider than standard heel

- Supreme: D-width (standard) with a standard heel, EE-width (wide) with a wide heel

- Nexus: D-width (wider than standard) with a wider than standard heel, EE-width (extra wide) with a widest heel

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What do you guys want to know? I made the RPE line, so I would be happy to help.

lol just more detail, pics, specs, release date etc. From simply the one pic it looks like a gorgeous skate and I love my shift+'s so much that I can see that being this skates successor especially since from what I gathered it will be a slightly wider skate pre-bake.

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There is suppose to be three different price points of the RPE Line of skates: Zenith, Visium, and Rival. The boots are designed for a wider foot player. We used a wider last, oversized toe cap, and a less volume tongue. The Zenith will be at the higher end, but not as expensive as the Max+ (no Magnesium chassis). Should be out by the end of the year from what I am hearing.

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