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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Feedback and shooting mechanics from different kick points?

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I was wondering if anyone noticed a difference in feedback on shots between mid kick sticks and low kick sticks. I'm used to mid kicks, I've used a lot of totalones and nexus sticks and recently switched to the 1X and its like when I shoot with an MX3/NXG or Nexus I FEEL the power in the shot, the stick flexing, the feedback from the stick that I got a hard shot off not just seeing it come off the blade. It's almost like my shots, though hard don't FEEL hard with the 1X. The shots I'm getting are inconsistent and I'm wondering if that's just because I'm not used to the sticks low flex point? Or if it's just not meshing with my shot mechanics. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

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I have not used the 1X, but I will say I wasn't able to adapt to the APX2 after using Total Ones. The kick point just never felt right... as in exactly what you described... I couldn't feel the power in the shot. I wasn't ever able to replicate it with the APX2 despite my best efforts. Ended up selling it...

Why try and force new mechanics when you can just get the stick that matches the mechanics you have used for years? At least that was my thinking.


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I can't even shoot with a nexus from a total one.

You just get comfortable with it and it becomes a habit. Once you switch can take a long time to adjust. I thought the same thing why bother

I bought a 1x the day it came out and my team mates noticed right away I couldn't shoot. I went back to my total one right away

Sometimes just doesn't work

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