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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Piece moving in hockey stick!

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I bought a Warrior Dynasty AX1 junior hockey stick for my son a few months ago. Since his last game, I can hear something moving inside the stick. I took off the butt-end and wasn't able take out anything from the shaft.

Any suggestions to stop this annoying sound?


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It is probably just a chunk of excess glue/epoxy that is rattling around. If you took off the butt-end and were not able to shake it out then you'll just have to live with it for the life of the stick.

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A very COMMON happening amongst the Easton RS line of sticks. ALL of mine developed a rattle. Some pieces fell out, others didn't. The real bad news was they broke at the shaft/blade beginning shortly after I realized the rattles.

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