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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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No more Nugent-Hopkins pattern for CCM?

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I am used to a shorter blade coming from an Iginla then the Nugent-Hopkins, but looking at the CCM Ultra Tacks in the store and the new Crosby pattern looks slightly longer, slightly wider, and a slightly different curve than the N-H, at least for the junior size sticks. Has anyone had difficulty adjusting to the new Crosby coming from the N-H?

Just wondering if the change would be fairly easy to adjust, or if not, then maybe trying to find some N-H patterns on clearance now.

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Yep, bummed about that as well.

The P29 is essentially a Hall/Sakic clone. It's deeper and more open than the P19. There is some adjustment, but it's not too bad. The biggest thing I noticed was the P29 wants you shoot off the toe and the sweetspot for slappers isn't as forgiving. On the plus side, puck control and pass was better.

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Really stupid idea by CCM to have two "Crosby" curves. The P29 on the ultra Tacks line, and the P87A on the ribcore. Anyways back to your question, the adjustment shouldn't be too difficult, but then again most tacks sticks are 50% off now, so you could grab a couple Nuge curves that would last you awhile. Nothing incredible has changed from tacks to ultra that you would for sure notice anyways in my opinion.

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They did away with nugent Hopkins, in favor of a curve supposedly more similar to the bauer p92, the "p29 crosby". As to why they have two different crosby curves my guess is that they will switch the ribcore line to the p29 when a new stick is released.

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