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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Synergy SL

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Just a quick question, as I have not been in the game for a while. My nephew took a few of my old sticks that have been just laying around. He fell in love with my old synergy sl 65 flex, but it did not last too long before he broke it. He also loved my old inno 300 shaft. Are there any current sticks out there closest to these two in flex point/profile, I would like to buy him something new? I appreciate the advice.

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Bauer modeled the Nexus flex point after the SE16 and similar sticks, so something in that line may fit the bill.

Any Warrior shaft/blade combo should be similar to its Inno counterpart

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Just a quick question, as I have not been in the game for a while. My nephew took a few of my old sticks that have been just laying around. He fell in love with my old synergy sl 65 flex, but it did not last too long before he broke it. He also loved my old inno 300 shaft. Are there any current sticks out there closest to these two in flex point/profile, I would like to buy him something new? I appreciate the advice.

The Easton HTX is the new synergy line, something in this range is what you would be after. Mixed reviews about it, some say its the closest to the old synergy line in a while with really good pop and feel, others are really disappointed. Mine turn up in 2 weeks so I'll see how they go as I used to really like the SE16 however picked one out of my box of sticks the other day just for old times sake and it felt like a brick compared to the apx2 and 1x I'm using at the moment.

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