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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Cobra 3000 holder help

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Hi guys, got a couple of questions for you.

The bolt that secures the runner to the Cobra 3000 holder on one of my skates keeps coming loose, to the point where I can rotate the bolt with my fingernail but the runner is still secure in the holder.

Is this normal?

Is this safe to skate on?

Is a product such as Loktite appropriate to use in order to secure the bolt?

I'm tightening the bolt with a standard flat head screwdriver. Is there a specific Graf tool that I should be using instead?



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Hi Mark,

I would recommend taking a look inside the bolt hole first. Look for any signs of wear or trauma from possible over-tightening. If there is none, using blue loctite would be appropriate. Just make sure it's not the red one. Your standard flat head screwdriver is fine.

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Hi Mickz,

Thanks for the suggestion. I will do as you suggest.

What signs of wear or trauma from over-tightening should I be looking out for? Possible cracks in the brass bolt shaft?

On a related note, I've noticed that one of the runners is slightly bowed. Could this be as a result of over-tightening?

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You want to get a torch and have a look in the hole where the bolt goes. When the bolt is over tightened, the plastic shoulder that the bolt sits on deforms, this can cause the bolt to continually come loose because it cannot lock flush on the shoulder - once it is deformed the more you tighten it the more it deforms. Loctite is the answer if you can get it tight enough so that the runner is locked in place. Although the runner seems locked in place when the bolt is loose, you may find you get a clicking noise from your boot as you walk between the changing rooms and the ice.

If you are using stock graf steels, they are well known for bowing. afaik, over tightening never caused them to bow.

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Hi Mickz,

Thanks for the suggestion. I will do as you suggest.

What signs of wear or trauma from over-tightening should I be looking out for? Possible cracks in the brass bolt shaft?

On a related note, I've noticed that one of the runners is slightly bowed. Could this be as a result of over-tightening?

Look for cracks and/or signs of the bolt digging into the plastic of the holder. How old are your skates? Holders will eventually get fatigued from use and will need to be replaced.

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No sign of the bolt digging into the plastic of the holder. The skates are about 4 months old, have been used for approx 10 hours worth of training and as yet no games in that time. Essentially they're almost brand new.

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I'm assuming by torch you are a referring to a light or flashlight.

You are not asking him to take heat to his skates correct?

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I'm assuming by torch you are a referring to a light or flashlight.

You are not asking him to take heat to his skates correct?

He means a flashlight or light.

You can produce light with a blowtorch, too, but that's probably not a great idea.

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