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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates for fat guy

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You can reduce the amount. Of elongation and spreading your feet have when you put weight on them by using super feet insoles. The sizes vary by skate size but you should take them out of the box first and see how the arch support lines up with your own foot.vthis can save up to a half size in space in your skates for a more secure and stable fit.

High volume skate lines like the Nexus, Tacks, and certain GRAF models are ideal for deeper wider feet.

The first RBZ skates is also a generally deep and volumous fit (except for the top box for whatever reason) but it doesn't have much contour to it. However the new JetSpeed line has a significantly different fit so I don't think they are the next gen models of RBZ.

Make sure the skate depth is right for you by checking your instep or else you may end up with serious lace bite or warping of the eyelets/ quarter package.

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Superfeet is great for heel stabilisation but doesn't do anything for your feet widening when you put your foot down during the stride.

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I definitely need a little more support for the bottom of my feet but that's an easy fix. Everything else feels great. Even my worry about tongue bulge and such is mostly gone. Although they haven't seen ice, so far I'm very happy with these.

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