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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tacks skate information SMU Legend and Pro Legends?

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Have tried searching the site and google and am coming up with little information on this so helping the good folks here can help. I am looking for new skates and the Tacks fit me the best. I went to my LHS and they did not have any in stock but said they could order me a pair of Tacks Legend skates. When I asked what these were I was told they are special make up skates available in either Tacks Legend or Pro Legend levels with some upgrades over "regular" Tacks levels. Exactly what upgrades were left a bit vague other than the polished steel blades. So, can anyone tell me more about these Legend and Pro Legend skates? What are they equivalent to in the "regular" Tacks line? The only thing I could find on line were a couple of Canadian stores like Source for Sports selling these skates but I am in the U.S. Is it possible my LHS is importing these from a Canadian supplier and selling in the states or would U.S. SMU skates be different than the Canadian ones? Just trying to sort out what specs I am really getting other than the upgraded steel...like boot stiffness, tongue, tendon guard, etc. Thanks much

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the source for sports site is definitely a good place to look and check out there face book they have been posting videos of all there new skates including the special smu's. With that said I would believe you would be getting the same skate you are seeing on the Canadian site in the states but maybe ask your lhs to see there ccm catalog to see the specs. From what I have seen over the years here at my lhs which is a source for sports usually you are getting small things from a model up so maybe a upgraded out sole or tounge or liner and usually upgraded steel. Hope that helps a little

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Usually the have better liners and little stuff like that fit will still be the exact sane

This. We carry them as well in the states (part of the SFS buying group). The Legend and the Pro legend are essentially the mid/lower end skates with some upgrades from the higher end skates. They usually have better steel, an upgraded liner, nicer tongue, etc. The same goes for the Ribcor line (Silver, Titanium, Platinum). Both the Legend and Legend Pro are very nice skates for the $$$.

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Thanks for all the help! I agree that they look to be a nice value. Now to decide if I really need the Pro Legends or if I would be ok with the Legends. About me...older C league player on the smaller side. Play twice a week and on the ice to coach two times per week as well but my better days are definitely behind me. Currently in old Tacks 1052s that fit like a slipper. Thoughts on whether it is worth the extra money for the Pro Legends? Thanks

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Legend is based off the 4052 with some features from the 5052.

Legend Pro is based off the 5052 with some features from the 6052. Both of these skates are SFS exclusives. Other buying groups like Sports Excellence will have essentially the same skate with different names. Legend = Classic, Legend Pro = Classic Pro.

These SMUs are definitely more value than a standard 4052/5052 in the same price point.

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Thanks mickz. Sounds like the Legends would suit me well enough for C level beer league and coaching. That and the sizing allows me to get in a size 5.5 so a big cost savings too!

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