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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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protective equipment and stick

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I'm searching for first set of protective gear and stick online. I'm 5'11" 165 and shoot right.

I had an associate at Total Hockey help me try on some gear the other day and he said I was on the top end of medium or on the cusp of large. depending on the brand.

As far as sticks, what flex would be optimal for a beginner?

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The best suggestion is to try on as much as you can and go with whatever feels the best to you. Most beginners will end up buying new stuff within a couple years, as they develop preferences for or against certain things in their equipment. As for a stick, I would think an 85 flex would be a good starting point, though it wouldn't be uncommon for a 75 to offer better performance to start.

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Yes but you need the side clips and other bits to fit a cage to a helmet. Sometimes helmets do not have these if they have had a visor fitted to them. Most cages fit most helmets but sometimes a bit of work is required to get it to fit. Some cages will not go on some helmets, I can't remember what ones but have run into this issue before. Another consideration is chin fit, different cages have different shapes and the chin can sit differently in the chin cup.

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