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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Elite skate insoles ?

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These ones? They're pretty thin and flimsy. You're better off using stock footbeds instead of these.


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I like these. After a lot of trial and error and trying to figure out how my foot sits best in the skate, I found that I like a flat insole, with no arch. I know that it's good to have arch support and I did actually use the ccm low arch ones and super feet for a while but never felt comfortable.

I have low arches not quite flat feet, and it just feels better to have my foot flat in the skate. Of course, ribcore's are a flatter skate with not much of an arch bump so that helps also.

For me at least, it feels like my whole foot bottom is in contact with the blade, where as with an arched insole it felt too disconnected.

And these footbeds do just that. Yeah they're not much of an upgrade from the stocks, but they are a bit beefier, being the same thickness throughout.

Oh ya........I also use Stable 26 socks, but did a little experimenting with the inserts and found that if I cut them in half, and just use the long part and not the bottom curved part they provide much better lock of the heel/Achilles area, and ankle. If I use them as is the bottom curved part was too big and it pushed my foot forward.

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I bought a pair years ago. Like sticktime says, they are of uniform thickness so there is no built-in arch like with many stock insoles. They may be slightly thicker and cushiony than stock insoles, except in the arch area of course. All hockey boots I've owned had some arch to them anyway so my flattish feet didn't want any to be added by the stock insole. I eventually got Graf SIDAS molded insoles because my feet do have a bit of an arch but it's further forward than the average foot. But the Elite insoles might be a good solution for low arches.

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