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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innovative Federov

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I ended up buying two shafts and four blades for under 130 after shipping, not bad at all. I figure even if it's some of the sub-par ones from the original thread about this I'm out about the cost of an ultra lite and a blade.

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Dumb question, why are these shafts so low in $$ compared to other Inno 1100's...or is the shaft not an 1100? I can't tell from the pic. Sorry again for the dumb question, I've just been look'n for an 1100 and i'm wondering if this is the same shaft.

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They dropped the price from $50 to $40 when the tapered versions of the shaft were brought in. There has been a lot of talk though about this shaft being a painted over novius or hespeler. Do a search. I posted a large thread a while back called 'Innovative 1100s for $50 USD' or something like that.

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Dumb question, why are these shafts so low in $$ compared to other Inno 1100's...or is the shaft not an 1100? I can't tell from the pic. Sorry again for the dumb question, I've just been look'n for an 1100 and i'm wondering if this is the same shaft.

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