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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new hotspot in skate

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Hey all,

I've had my CCM Tacks now for about 15 months, and they are definitely broken in, but far from being totally worn out. They are a perfect fit after I stretched/punched them a touch to get them a little wider (done when I bought them). Interesting issue occurring now and wondering if anyone ever experienced something like this...

My left boot, which has always been the better fit of the two, is now developing a hot spot just underneath the inside right ankle bone. Never had this issue before, but in the past 2 weeks, it's started to cause some pain. (nothing major, and nothing a Bunga pad can't solve). Prior to this, no issues with the left boot, even during the breaking in process. The right boot had a similar hotspot during the breaking in process, but that hotspot went away once the skate was broken in.

Just curious. Has anyone every dealt with a hotspot forming far after a skate has been broken in? and any solution? (I'm using a Bunga which solves the pain, but wondering if may I should punch that spot)


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I come across this often. The liner is compressing every time you wear the boot, most likely you have now got to the stage where it has compressed enough so that some part of the outer shell is now rubbing against your foot or the liner may have shifted / wrinkled etc to set off a hot spot. A punch may help but I'd say you already have the answer in use if you want to stay in the boots as they are. Relining isn't an option many people try because of the cost.

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