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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ordered my first MyBauer custom stick tonight

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I called up Bauer and they said that I can have a replacement of the same order but it will be another 5-8 weeks OR a regular replacement stick of whatever in 9-12 business days. I chose the regular and switched up some things.

1N P92 Lie 5 87 flex grip is on the way...

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Why'd you switch back to the 92 from the 28?

I went back to the P92 lie 5 for versatility. I was finding myself playing on the right side and missing pucks coming up the boards because my toe was too big. I also noticed that MAYBE 20% of my goals were actually coming off toe shots. Most of my puck wear was center blade, not toe. Also a lot of my shots were sailing. The P92 keeps the same lie but is less aggressive and I can take better shots in more scenarios than the P28.

The 95 flex part was because my snap shots were rockets with higher flex sticks as well as my slap shots. I don't take many wrist shots and even when I do they will give me more return with a higher flex. I noticed my overall shot velocity dipping with lower flex. If I needed a quick little snap and some power, sure but it wasn't jaw dropping. I'm going for quality over quantity.

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