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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate holder modification question

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Hi guys,

I'm looking to create an interesting modification to my skates in regards to the holder and steel.

Long story short, I love the steel on the Easton CXN holder. Love the shaved toe and also lover the aggressive pitch on the steel itself. I don't like to pitch in the holder (rear tower) because I have completely flat feet and using this holder creates heel spurs right away for me. My skates are Supreme MX-3's and I have swapped out the holders with the CXN holders many times, back and forth. And as soon as I am back on the Bauer Edge holder, I get no heel pain but not the performance I had from the CXN holder.

It's definitely the CXN holder steel combo that is causing my heel spurs.

I've asked my local shop to take my LS2 steel and copy ( replica) the CXN steel in order to have the forward pitch, but without the higher pitch of the holder itself ( to have no heel pain). He's going to give me a 1.5mm forward pitch and shave the toe like the CXN stock steel. (trying to replica the CXN steel)

So I know that the CXN pitch is 1/8 higher than the Edge holder, so if I put a 1/8 shim in the front of the CXN holder, should't the pitch be exactly like the Edge holder ? (because I am reducing the pitch).

This means that instead of changing my LS2 steel to copy the CXN steel ( through profiling and shaving the steel), wouldn't it make more sense to use the CXN holder steel combo and add the 1/8 shim to the front tower to mimic the Edge holder pitch ?

This way I will have no heel pain and the exact steel that I am trying to achieve with the LS2 steel modifications.

Seems like a better way to achieve my goal here.

What do you guys think ?



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I'd be more concerned about why you are getting pain in your heel and think about fixing this. It sounds like your heel is moving in the pocket, not enough to bother you when you have a neutral pitch holder fitted but as you get more onto the balls of your feet the heel begins to lift. There is a bunga sock that has a silicon pad in the heel, you might want to try this. I know a lot of figure skaters who have used this to solve heel pain. Filling any negative space in your heel with stable 26 socks or ezyfit booties may also help. Or you may consider a narrow heel fitting boot.

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Hey guys,

Mimizk, that's exactly what I am thinking.

Vet 88, great idea but I've tried all the bunga socks, insoles, gel pads and nothing works when I am in the CXN holder. In the Edge holder, no problem. Weird but true. So I love the skates, just want the performance I got from the aggressive pitch.

As Mimizk has it above, shouldn't this be exactly like the edge holder but with the aggressive pitch of the ES4 steel ?

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In this case the most important thing for you is that to create more level foot (ankle) angle than your current setting.

Then check your thinking, the edge which was put aggressive pitch by contouring will work as down your toe. To put 1/8" shim between front part of the holder and boot will work as up your toe. These 2 thinking are contradictory.

So if you want to get more level boot setting, it's enough to use 1/8" shims, I think.

Please note, I'm feeling that perhaps you have misunderstand about "pitch". Definitely contoured edges have different pitch, but the tuning is used for creating boots pitch. So no difference between using shim and contouring edge. Both way for the same purpose. There is no value for that front height of the blade is shorter than back.


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Hi Mimizk,

Thanks for your feedback.

You are correct, but if I was to put the same amount of forward pitch in the steel that is equalled from the CXN holder and steel combo, let's say +3 in total, (all in the steel), wouldn't I achieve the same forward pitch but in an Edge holder and no slippage caused by the CXN holder (rear tower being higher).

I strongly believe that I would.

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The reason why you want to use the both contradictory method on the same time is perhaps you can't make a thinner shim than 1/8" thickness?

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No, I'm trying to get the same forward pitch that is in the CXN holder and steel but all in the steel and not any from the holder.

I calculated and the holder had 1/8 extra pitch and the steel has 1/16 pitch. So if I add them up I get 1.5 / 8 total extra pitch vs Bauer Edge LS2 combo. So if I add 1.5 / 8 of an inch pitch (approx. 4mm) to only the steel, I should get the performance and not the pain, since my heel won't be slipping, because the heel is stabilized on a flatter boot surface.

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If I need the same tuning as you, I will copy only the under shape/line of CXN runner to Tuuk blade. No need to include CXN's pitch. It will be just wasteful for edge height.

Another problem, it's difficult to copy a profile from a thing which is not contour/profile bar. I'm thinking the way to copy and sharpen with keeping its profile. I don't know how will the shop manager do it though.

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