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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate eyelet repair

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Can the lowest eyelets be replaced on a CCM skate meaning the ones closest to the toecaps, can they get the press in that area to do them?

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I had them done on U12s with no problem.

Man, CCM/Reebok and eyelets...how does a company produce skates for 5+ years of releases that just hemorrhaged eyelets?

I haven't really paid attention to see if the rbzs/tacks/jetspeeds faired any better in that department.

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I had them done on U12s with no problem.

Man, CCM/Reebok and eyelets...how does a company produce skates for 5+ years of releases that just hemorrhaged eyelets?

I haven't really paid attention to see if the rbzs/tacks/jetspeeds faired any better in that department.

My Tacks have had no issues with eyelets, but I've heard and seen many problems with the RBZ line.

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I had them done on U12s with no problem.

Man, CCM/Reebok and eyelets...how does a company produce skates for 5+ years of releases that just hemorrhaged eyelets?

I haven't really paid attention to see if the rbzs/tacks/jetspeeds faired any better in that department.

The top eyelets on my RBZs are shredded, so still an issue or was.

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