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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Loose skate holder rivets

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Hey guys,

Got a little problem and looking for your feedback/thoughts.

I have Bauer MX-3s. Over the past year I have experimented with changing out holders with the same hole pattern, like the CXN Easton holder; I have gone back and forth 3 times now, which mean 6 times taking off and 6 times reinstalling rivets.

Played last night and was great, came home and while hanging up skates noticed that the holders were a little loose due to loose rivets.

Question: Did the shop not reinstall the rivets tight enough ? Or is it because I've have switched out the holders too many times that the rivets can no longer grip the footbed tightly. Meaning my skates are done.

Hoping I haven't "broken" my skates prematurely.

Gonna go see the shop but maybe they are the problem...

Appreciate any feedback/recommendations.



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Unless the footbed has been damaged then you should be ok, it sounds like a case of the person who did the rivets last time not ensuring the holder was sitting flush on the boot when the rivets were put in. Go back and ask them to redo them.

But if the boot is damaged it doesn't mean the end, you could use t-nuts to secure holder in place or go the graf route using graf nuts and screws. If you want to keep swapping holders back and forth then this is often a preferred option than having to remove / replace rivets every time.

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