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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LS2 or Edge Recommendation

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I am currently on Graf G3's with NT Lite Ultra 5000 holders. I am in the process of getting my order placed with VH, waiting for them to get back to me now that my order and photos have been sent to them. What is the consensus on the holder and steel for the LS2 vs the Edge?

If it makes any difference, I do have a second set of steel for my Grafs that I do send out to No-Icing, so I am removing the steel every 4-5 skates.

Any recommendation/advice on which to go with? Pros/Cons?

Thank you

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So I used G3s and 703s before I switched to VHs a year and a half ago. On my VH setup I have TUUK edge holders. In comparison to the ultra holders, the tuuk edge holders have wider steel and overall have a sturdier feel. I will say that you will need to add heel lifts if you want a similar pitch setup to your grafs. That is what I miss the most out of my grafs, though the VH fit is just about the best you will find going the custom route.

I haven't had any problems with the edge holders and highly recommend them if you switch out steel that often.

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I've switched over from LS2/Step Steel Black to Edge/LS3 with DLC (No-icing has this steel on hand) on my VHs and honestly it was the best decision. I didn't sharpen my steel for almost two months (used them at least 2-3 times a week/1.5hrs per day) and the runners still held an edge! Heck, I even accidentally stepped on concrete and it still held an edge (definitely dinged up the runner though). Better yet, I use a 90/75 FBV (5/8ths) and despite all the above, they still preformed well the entire time.

This weekend I got them sharpened, so we'll see how long it lasts, but... Not sure if I'm lucky, but this runner has definitely exceeded my expectations so far.

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Thanks X-Axis and MC88. Did you guys do Black Wick or Clarino liner? Do you wear socks or not? I was planning on no socks and that's how I did my tracings.

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Thanks X-Axis and MC88. Did you guys do Black Wick or Clarino liner? Do you wear socks or not? I was planning on no socks and that's how I did my tracings.

Black wick liner (heard it grips better if you sweat a lot... which I do). I used to wear socks but have recently gone barefoot. When I did my tracings, I did them with socks, but since mine seem to have been made tighter, I haven't had any issues.

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Thanks X-Axis and MC88. Did you guys do Black Wick or Clarino liner? Do you wear socks or not? I was planning on no socks and that's how I did my tracings.

I went with clarino liner. I'm usually on the ice only once per day and it can dry out. My first weekend I was on back-to-back games and then 3 the next day. I got a small blister but the fit is unbelievable. I went no socks during the second in a back to back so they were pretty wet. I think if I went in dry they should hold up for a game with just clarino. I heard the black wick liner can get "crushed in" and affect the fit after a while.

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