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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mounting a new chassis

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I know that alot of you here have put inline chassis' on different skates, and I was wondering how it was done and how much did it cost? I have a pair of Nike Hi-Hos and I want to put a rocker chassis on it. JR or anyone, is there any possibility that you could help me out? Any help would be appreciated.

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Around here it's different. If you bought the skates at the shop, sometimes you could pay zero for the mounting. If not you can see prices up to about 35-40 bucks.

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Given how long it has taken me sometimes....$30.00 - $40.00 would be a bargain....I hate working for $.25/hr.....

The worst I had was getting the rivets out of a pair of new Nexed Stingers....I was going to use those chassis on some Grafs...every rivet removal must have taken 15 - 20 minutes of sweat raising work.... apparently not all rivets are equal......I am definitely open to suggestion from those pros on here who have found a better way to extract difficult rivets...I could not punch these ones out. I had to pry up the heads with a chisel and hammer, then grip the head of the rivets with a vice grip, and hammer the rivets out by pounding on the vice grip...which required at least three or four reclampings for each rivet....

Of course it was as a Christmas present...so it kind of followed the dad's tradition of erecting the ol' train set on Christmas Eve....As the night wore on, the air got bluer, and Angels on my Christmas tree started to fall off and turn red in embarrassment....

After that re-mounting the chassis with the existing Graf RMS mounts was child's play.

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Having done this myself multiple times, and only paid for it to be done once or twice, I always grimaced when the owner of the pro-shop told me $25.00, as I knew how much work it really takes.....Once he new I had done them myself, he just handed me the keys to the back shop and said.."have at it"...

That's why I always use an RMS type mounting, in case I have to remove the chassis for a different mounting in the future. I usually use a form of stiff grease to seal them so they are easier to remove later...rather than lock-tite....the occasional re-tightening may be required, but..it's worth it when it comes to undoing them later.

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