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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speedblade on Vapor

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Here's why I would want to do if - currently skating in 28k's size 6. After MUCH experimenting over the last year, with 3 other skates and superfeet and ccm insoles and other insoles, and stable 26 socks, and profiling blades to 10' radius and pitch changes to a +1 and + 2, I FINALLY dialed in set up that feels like none other: barefoot, stock insole, 9' radius, neutral pitch. My feet feel connected to the ice. It's like I became a 10 times better skater within two days.

Coincidentally, a book I'm reading now about the Penguins has a part where the Paul Coffey talks about how he likes tight fitting skates and had to do all kinds of fiddling with them to make them just right, but the most striking part was where he said that if his skates didn't have that perfect feel he felt like a below average skater.

So getting down to brass tacks, with these skates I know my edges and the nuances of where I can lean and all the things that you know with your fav skates. HOWEVER, I also have some new x90's that I bought because I like the way they grab the ankle/heel/Achilles area. Tried them out and felt like I had to learn how to skate all over again.

So what I really want to know is if I put Speedblade holders with and their steel on the x90's will I have the same feeling as skating in my 28k's?

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Here's why I would want to do if - currently skating in 28k's size 6. After MUCH experimenting over the last year, with 3 other skates and superfeet and ccm insoles and other insoles, and stable 26 socks, and profiling blades to 10' radius and pitch changes to a +1 and + 2, I FINALLY dialed in set up that feels like none other: barefoot, stock insole, 9' radius, neutral pitch. My feet feel connected to the ice. It's like I became a 10 times better skater within two days.

Coincidentally, a book I'm reading now about the Penguins has a part where the Paul Coffey talks about how he likes tight fitting skates and had to do all kinds of fiddling with them to make them just right, but the most striking part was where he said that if his skates didn't have that perfect feel he felt like a below average skater.

So getting down to brass tacks, with these skates I know my edges and the nuances of where I can lean and all the things that you know with your fav skates. HOWEVER, I also have some new x90's that I bought because I like the way they grab the ankle/heel/Achilles area. Tried them out and felt like I had to learn how to skate all over again.

So what I really want to know is if I put Speedblade holders with and their steel on the x90's will I have the same feeling as skating in my 28k's?

Hypothetically, the blade is going to perform as you'd expect. My only concern with doing this would be the boot feel of the 90. Yes, it may feel better as far as fit. You won't know how well the boot will actually perform until you throw the holders from your 28Ks on them and start skating. There's a chance you could be disappointed and the boot doesn't perform as you'd like. To be honest, if it's not broken, don't fix it. I'd leave your 28K setup alone and be happy.

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Ya I figured as much. I'd like to have two sets of skates to reduce wear and tear and thought it may be roughly the same feel.

Has anyone else done this?

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