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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM RBZ maxx, Colt Gen2, sherwood T100, or RBK 18k sickick 4

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I'm hoping someone has experience using all or at least a few of these sticks. All, except for the colt, I can get for $50-60 (colt roughly $120) and curious as to which is most preferred. I'm a forward so stick balance is important and want lots of "pop" on shots (mostly wrist/snaps but the occasional 1 timer). Thoughts?

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Thanks for the reply. I checked out sports2k.com but most seemed to be pro stock or seniors. I'm looking for a 60-70 intermediate flex so they're a little harder to come by. I know all the sticks I listed our awesome deals and near top of the line (except I wasn't sure about the quality of the ccm rbz maxx). I'm pretty sure I'm picking up the colt Gen 2 now but didn't know if any of the other sticks were "must have" sticks?

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