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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why does my Bauer deluxe 100 visor not fit?

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I put it on a Bauer 4500 helmet, but only the top 2 screws line up. I see that these do not come in sizes. Am I shit out of luck? I wear a size small helmet, but kids wear these in juniors. I tried it on an old Ccm helmet and the screws don't line up properly on that either. Am I doing something wrong?

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There are plastic clips that screw into where the J clips would go. You have to put those on first, then the actual visor mount screws into the front of the helmet and those clips on each side

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There are plastic clips that screw into where the J clips would go. You have to put those on first, then the actual visor mount screws into the front of the helmet and those clips on each side

I see. I purchased off eBay, so basically I guess I got screwed with the hardware

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