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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Pro Stock Curves

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I recently bought a pro stock CCM RBZ Stage 2 and am really digging it. The curve is an H11, I'm not really sure which player that is but it looks like it's a mid curve. I'm finding a decent amount of success but it's not quite perfect.

I plan on ordering online and want to get another CCM pro stock while there are sales.

My question is, does any one know of either a Tavares clone or a warrior kopitar/draper clone in the CCM pro stock selection? Or at the very least a decent blade chart? I'm looking for something similar to these curves. I shoot right and mostly use snap shots. Open to other suggestions as well.

Thanks and sorry if there's a similar topic posted already!

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Thanks for the responses guys.

Anyone know of the other equivalents to the pro stock curves? I kinda want to try something a little closer to a Tavares curve. Maybe a little less open, little less of a curve. Thanks!

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