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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mis-aligned shin guard, catches @ top of boot.

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Hey everyone-first post here, I've done a ton of searches on this topic and come up empty handed.

I've tried a number of different shin guards now and all wind up having the same problem: If i put my knee where it's supposed to go in the knee cup, the bottom of the guards are rotated slightly outwards where they meet my skate. Every time I take a stride the bottom of the guard catches ever so slightly on my skate's outside ankle.

Anyone have experience with this kind of problem? Thanks in advance.

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I tuned my shin guards to solve similar problems. Usually it would be caused by touching under side edge of shin guard and top cuff of skate boot. So it will be solved if you tuned it as they don't touch with each other.

If it would rotate after such tuned, it is simply fitting problem, I think.


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I custom tuned mine where they meet the boot, I wear mine inside the tongue and just filed and sanded them to where they don't interfere anymore but this may be hard to do if yours have a pad or piece of leather sewn to the bottoms the ones I have are plastic without and leather covers at the bottom.

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You can remove the liner from your shin pads and adjust it accordingly so with your knee in the liner the main pad sits square in front of your skate.

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